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🔐 Decorators / Security

seleniumbase/common decorators and security.

Part 1: Decorators - (from

Use these Python decorators with your test methods as needed

  • @print_runtime(description=None, limit=None)

  • @runtime_limit(limit, description=None)

  • @retry_on_exception(tries=6, delay=1, backoff=2, max_delay=32)

  • @rate_limited(max_per_second)

Example demonstrating a rate-limited printing functionality:

import unittest
from seleniumbase import decorators

class MyTestClass(unittest.TestCase):

    @decorators.rate_limited(3.5)  # The arg is max calls per second
    def print_item(self, item):

    def test_rate_limited_printing(self):
        print("\nRunning rate-limited print test:")
        for item in range(1, 11):

Part 2: String/Password Obfuscation, Encryption, and Decryption


Often in your tests, you may need to login to a website to perform testing. This generally means storing passwords in plaintext formats. For security reasons, that may not be an optimal solution. For this reason, encryption/obfuscation tools have been built here to help you mask your passwords in your tests. It's not a bulletproof solution, but it can keep anyone looking over your shoulder during test creation from getting your login passwords if they don't have your encryption key, which is stored in a separate file.


  • First, set your custom encryption/decryption key in your local clone of (If you modify the key later, you'll need to encrypt all your passwords again.)

  • Next, use to obfuscate/encrypt passwords into coded strings:


Enter password to obfuscate: (CTRL+C to exit)
Password: *********
Verify password:
Password: *********

Here is the obfuscated password:

(You can also use to encrypt passwords without having them masked while typing them. Or you can use it to decrypt an obfuscated password.)

  • Finally, in your tests you can now decrypt obfuscated passwords for use in login methods like this:
from seleniumbase import encryption
password = encryption.decrypt('$^*ENCRYPT=RXlYMSJWTz8HSwM=?&#$')

(You'll notice that encrypted strings have a common start token and end token. This is to help tell them apart from non-encrypted strings. You can customize these tokens in The current default setting is $^*ENCRYPT= for the start token and ?&#$ for the end token.)

See for an example of decrypting encrypted passwords in tests.